The marketing group has been meeting regularly, trying to get our message and the way we put it across exactly right- to help us get the members we need to keep the farm going. We’ve put our heads together for hours and devised a marketing plan, so we know which things we have to do first and which come later- and who is responsible for each piece. The first thing we realised we had to do was find the right name. We were lucky enough to get some free ‘branding’ consultation from Thomas Cowper Johnson to help us navigate these difficult waters, and eventually we all agreed on a name we like:
This is the new name for our co-operative, which runs both the CSA and the Market Garden at the Hewitt School. Our next jobs are devising a logo, organising a phone number and starting to write our publicity pieces.
William, our Growing Consultant from EAFL has been working hard to buy all the equipment we needed. Rather wonderfully, he has found us such good deals on that we are able to afford 2 extra polytunnels.
Then a few of us had the opportunity to visit another CSA, Canalside Food near Warwick. And while I was there, on a cold grey February day, I went inside a polytunnel. I barely noticed the lushness underfoot. What I noticed was the air. Sweet, warm, mild air. I could feel myself uncurling in the warmth. Then, of course, I looked more closely near my feet and saw towering (well, relatively!) salads. The sort I've been mourning the lack of all winter. They've got them in great heaping piles.
But our work doesn't stop yet. The marketing group will continue hard at work to design our publicity. The board meets each month. The school group who will lead on our educational links meet for the first time next week. Another team is concentrating on mapping out where and how we will distribute our veg.
And we need you: after we all had so much fun planting a hedge, we're meeting again to put up a rabbit fence, a shed, a composting loo and a compost heap. If you'd like to join us there's a doodle here to indicate your availability. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
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