We are a group of Transitioners from across the initiative of Transition Norwich and we structure ourselves along creative editorial lines - much like a magazine. Our blog was originally designed by a four-person ed team, comprised of writers, editors and designers from the TN Communications group, and launched on 4 October 2009.
Originally we were a daily blog, taking turns to post in five and three day slots and also in themed weeks. From June 2012 we adopted a more spontaneous rhythm and now post approximately three times a week, including from our well-stocked archive. We work as a writing co-op and meet quarterly. Over the three years This Low Carbon Life has had a flexible crew of 20 or so bloggers, some of the original start-up team are still on the crew, some have left, some came on board more recently
Several of us now write regularly (Charlotte Du Cann, Mark Watson, Simeon Jackson, John Heaser). Some occasionally. We also invite guest writers and cross-post from other Transition blogs, principally from our sister blog on the Transition Network, The Social Reporting Project.
If you have any questions do get in touch with us!
Charlotte Du Cann theseakaleproject@hotmail.co.uk
Bloggers meetng at The Greenhouse, November 2011