Say no, which is the safe option, requires least effort and keeps you warm and dry,or say yes and risk injuring young people who you are still trying to endear yourself to and then getting really wet falling over and breaking a hip.
Despite the obvious points against joining in I couldn't help thinking what fun it looked and a snowball fight has to be one of the most environmentally friendly activities there is. It can be done without travelling, there is no special equipment and when you get back in the house it will feel so warm that you will want to turn down the heating.
I should at this point describe my outfit. This is important if one is going to WIN a snowball fight and yes we did WIN the snowball fight. Me and my girlfriend clearly won based on the fact that we did not have to completely undress when we got in and hang all our clothes on the radiators.
So there you have it. My guide to the perfect snow ball fight. Oh and don't go behind the shed looking for virgin snow because its a dead end and your only way out is over the compost heap. Just saying. Don't say I didn't warn you....
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