Saturday 11 December 2010

Stored Sunshine

So the Cancun Climate Conference has ended with an agreement of sorts, though with no binding targets. Pundits and commentators from all sides of the opinion spectrum will be poring over the small print for days and weeks to come to work out the implications.  It still seems like the world isn't taking climate change seriously enough, and still wants to put narrow national interests ahead of the common good.

Back in the UK though, it's still cold and dark, and events in Cancun can seem a long way away. We need a bit of stored sunshine to sustain us through the cold winter.

I been sustaining the summer sun by reading the Sustainable Diss 2030 booklet by fellow blogger Dr Gary Alexander.  Even though I don't live in Diss, there's something about the clarity of the vision and the attractiveness of the proposition that gives that welcome burst of warmth in these winter months.  It really gives something to think about and plan for.

Gardeners tend to use the dormant winter months to think about and plan activity for the spring and summer.  Reading Sustainable Diss 2030 gives me the chance to think about plans for next year.

If, as the signs seem to be, the UK still isn't pushing for action on climate change as hard as it could, there'll be more work than ever for us all to do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words Jon. Sustainable Diss 2030 is available for download at and I still have a few printed copies left. I would be happy to join a discussion of the issues and vision presented there if anyone wants.
