Here I am down at the local community centre grabbing a moment from editing the monthly TN bulletin. At the end of each month Charlotte commissions, collates and edits all the news, reports, stories, book reviews and pictures sent to us from Norwich Transitioners about everything that's been going on in TN and upcoming events. Each month about ten contributors file their copy from Transition Circles, TN2, Food and Farming, Reskilling, NR3, Heart and Soul, Communications, This Low Carbon Life, Carbon Conversations and the Resilience Plan. I then read it all through and check dates and spellings before we send it to Andy in the design department, who puts the pictures and text into shape ready to be sent out to everyone as the monthly bulletin on the TN Announcements group. Those of you in this group will get it later today.
Why am I telling you this? Well, partly because it's what's going on
right now in my life in Transition, but also because I have a moment's break from full-on subediting to write it. Which is not the blog I planned to write today. But you can't do everything.
Tomorrow's post will be about waste, Bolivia and being on the train.
Back to the bulletin...
Pics: Me on the blog; TN bulletin banner by Andy
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